Help with rent/mortgage back payments and utilities shutoffs. Emergency Assistance/Emergency General Assistance (EA/EGA) funds can help with housing, such as past due rent, a damage deposit, or to stop foreclosure. EA/EGA can also help pay for utilities when there is a threat of disconnection. Utilities include electricity, heat, and water. To apply for help, call 651-266-4884 or apply online at or at
Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) funds is an on-going grant that Ramsey County receives through Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MN Housing) to fund four different service models within Ramsey County: street outreach, prevention assistance/homeless assistance, rapid rehousing and coordinated entry. FHPAP funds target single adults, youth ages 24 and younger, and/or families with minor children that are at risk of homelessness (ie: past due rent, mortgage or utility disconnection) or already experiencing homelessness (staying outside and/or with friends).
Prevention assistance can assist households with late rent and/or utility shut off payments. Homeless Assistance is to assist households with a one-time deposit and/or 1st month's rent payment to move into new housing if the household is already homeless and not eligible for Coordinated Entry (CE). Households seeking rapid rehousing (RRH) programs must have a housing assessment via coordinated entry (CE) and be placed on the priority list for Coordinated Entry (CE).
Please click on the link below to obtain a contact list of the currently funded FHPAP providers in Ramsey County or, to access the prevention providers only, please click on the attached pdf down below.
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is available to St. Paul residents through Ramsey County via a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the City of St. Paul. ESG funds can be used for street outreach, operational costs of emergency shelters, rapidly rehouse homeless individuals and families (through Coordinated Entry), and/or to prevent individuals/families from becoming homeless (ie: late rent assistance and/or utility shut off assistance). For more information on ESG funds or to receive a list of funded agencies, please contact the CoC/ESG Coordinator.
2023-10-11 FHPAP Prevention Resources.pdf