Should Teacher Salaries be Public Information?

Should Teacher Salaries be Public Information?

Public school teachers are considered public servants – but does that make their salary details public information? Learn about the heated debate surrounding whether teacher salaries should be made public.

At the center of this debate is whether teacher salaries should be a matter of public record. Should taxpayers who foot the bill for teachers' salaries know exactly where their money is going?

Those in Favor

On the one hand, teachers are classified as public employees, which means information like salary should be a matter of public record. Because these salaries are paid using taxpayer money, the public has the right to know how the money is used.

When armed with this information, voters are better positioned to influence decisions in the voting booth during election season. When taxpayers know the full scope of what teachers in their districts make, they are better equipped to ask the right questions about the direction of public education and determine whether changes to the current status quo are justified.

Those Opposed

On the other hand, teachers protest that their specific salaries are private information that should be kept away from public scrutiny. Some argue that publishing salary information about individual teachers on school or state government websites unnecessarily exposes lower-paid employees It may even put some individuals in danger when personal information is made public.

Despite the debate over publicizing teacher salaries, many school districts now offer that information through their websites, state government websites, or other publications. We have examples of some school districts grappling with this decision and how they have handled the situation thus far.

Pennsylvania Salaries Now Posted

The Pennsylvania Department of Education gathers salary information from across the state and posts it online and through print publications. According to the York Daily Record, the information has been used by the Asbury Park Press and the Commonwealth Foundation, a research and education group in Harrisburg that posts various school financial information. Nathan Benefield of the Commonwealth Foundation told the York Daily Record that the public has a right to this information, and they have made the data more accessible than it has been.

However, Myra Reichart of the Pennsylvania State Education Association told the Record that posting information like this without an accurate analysis included can be misleading. Reichart said, "You can make a number appear to be anything you want it to be. When a person just looks at that number, what they're saying is, 'Oh my God this person makes so much money for teaching kids.' But they don't have any idea how that number was arrived at."

Orange County Numbers Published

The Orange County Register has been working on an editorial project that posts salary information for all the county's public school teachers. However, many professional educators are slightly uncomfortable with the request, and some have been downright resistant to providing information that is considered a matter of public record. According to OC Weekly, the Huntington Beach Union High School District was the last in the county to agree to release the information and only did so after notifying staff that the information could be made public.

Teachers may be considered public servants, but many do not like salary information becoming a matter of public record. However, as long as taxpayer dollars pay these salaries, the debate over publicizing teacher salaries will continue to rage.

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Mason, Angie, "Teacher Salary Numbers Fuel the Debate: Overpaid or Underpaid?" York Daily Record, October 25, 2010. Available at Diepenbrock, William, "O.C. Teacher Salaries: Starting, Mid-Career and Highest Offered, Orange County Register, April 2, 2009. Available at California State Controller's Office, "Search Local Government Salaries and Compensation." Available at